Mortgage Calculator

Calculate Your Mortgage

Free Mortgage Calculator Widget for Wordpress or other website

Widget Code

To embed the provided HTML code containing a mortgage calculator iframe into WordPress, Wix, or any other website builder, follow these general steps:


If you're using the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg), you can add a Custom HTML block and paste the provided HTML code into it.

Go to the page or post where you want to add the mortgage calculator.
Add a new block by clicking the "+" icon.
Search for "Custom HTML" block and select it.
Paste your HTML code into the Custom HTML block.
Preview or publish your page/post.
If you're using the classic editor, switch to the Text mode (instead of Visual) and paste the HTML code directly into the editor.


Go to the page where you want to embed the mortgage calculator.
Add an HTML iframe element to your page.
Click on the element and choose "Enter code" or "Embed a widget".
Paste the provided HTML code into the code input area.
Adjust the width and height if needed.
Save your changes and preview your page.

Other website builders:

Most website builders have similar processes for embedding custom HTML code or iframes:
Find the option to add custom HTML or embed code to your page.
Paste the provided HTML code into the designated area.
Adjust any width, height, or other settings as needed.
Save your changes and preview your page.

Demo of the Mortgage Calculator Widget

Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator: Simplifying Home Financing

Buying a home is one of the most significant financial decisions individuals make in their lifetime. It involves understanding various factors such as loan terms, interest rates, and monthly payments. One indispensable tool that aids in this process is the mortgage calculator. This digital tool assists potential homeowners in estimating their monthly mortgage payments based on specific inputs.

Understanding Mortgage Calculators

Mortgage calculators are web-based or application-based tools designed to help individuals calculate their monthly mortgage payments quickly and accurately. They take into account several variables, including the loan amount, interest rate, loan term, and down payment, to provide users with an estimated monthly payment amount.

Key Features and Functionality

Mortgage calculators typically offer a range of features to accommodate various financial scenarios. Some of the key functionalities include: Loan Amount: Users input the total amount of the loan they intend to borrow. This figure includes the cost of the home minus any down payment. Interest Rate: Users specify the interest rate associated with the loan. This rate can vary based on market conditions, the borrower's credit score, and the type of mortgage. Loan Term: Users select the duration of the loan, typically ranging from 15 to 30 years. The loan term significantly affects the monthly payment amount, with longer terms resulting in lower monthly payments but higher overall interest costs. Down Payment: Users input the amount of money they plan to put down upfront. A larger down payment reduces the loan amount and can result in lower monthly payments and interest costs. Taxes and Insurance: Advanced mortgage calculators may also allow users to include property taxes, homeowners insurance, and private mortgage insurance (PMI) in their calculations.

Benefits of Using a Mortgage Calculator

Utilizing a mortgage calculator offers several benefits for prospective homebuyers: Financial Planning: Mortgage calculators empower users to make informed decisions by providing them with accurate estimations of their monthly payments. This information is crucial for budgeting and financial planning. Comparison Shopping: By adjusting different parameters such as interest rates and loan terms, users can compare various mortgage options to find the most suitable one for their financial situation. Understanding Affordability: Mortgage calculators help individuals assess how much house they can afford based on their income, expenses, and other financial obligations. Forecasting Payments: Users can forecast their mortgage payments over the life of the loan, enabling them to anticipate changes in their financial obligations and plan accordingly.


In conclusion, mortgage calculators are invaluable tools for individuals navigating the complex process of purchasing a home. By providing quick and accurate estimations of monthly mortgage payments, these tools empower users to make informed decisions, compare mortgage options, and plan their finances effectively. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned homeowner, leveraging a mortgage calculator can streamline the home financing process and contribute to a more confident and successful home purchase journey.